Amano MJR Printer Repair
Amano MJR Printer Repairs:
A customer from Florida contacted us in October, hurricane season. Their Amano MJR time clock is not printing on the right side of the card. Specifically,It does not print in the Overtime column. The reason this happens is below. This was our response:
Good morning, Tammy. It is not related to a power surge, etc. It's mechanical. As you might know, the printer travels back and forth, across the card. To see it, remove the metal cover then drop a card in. You will see it print. Look below the printer, you will see what is called a flexible ribbon cable. This curls as it moves. Eventually they crack, causing a loss of data, and this happens towards the right of the card - when it is curled the most.
There is a test you can do: Put the Amano 700 key in the top, press 9 0 E then drop in a blank (one of those unprinted) cards. It will print a test pattern, then reject the card. You should see it printing darkest on the left, then very light, if at all, on the right. All the letters and numbers will print during this test.
How does this happen? The cable is welded to the printer If it is the printer, then it will need to be replaced. You can't do it, we can, and we do about one of these a week - there are well over 25,000 of these machines in service. Replacing the ribbon won't help. Ship it to us. Write RUSH on the outside of the box, and include a copy of this email, or a note as to why it's coming. Put it in a bag, then pack it in newspaper. Do not send the key. We will fix it and ship it back within 24 hours.
Normally the printers run about 12 to 15 years of hard use before this happens. We will have to see it. Please put a print out of this in the box with the clock.