What supplies do I need for my Amano CP5000?
Can I use other time cards in my Amano CP5000 time clock?
You have only two choices, the proper cards for the CP5000 are the ONLY CARDS that will work on it. It will reject all other cards. In 2012, Amano upgraded the CP3000 to the CP5000. Amano went from a metal-impregnated ink to a graphite impregnated ink. A resistance tester to locate the proper line (the solid black box the CP3000 prints on the left) to an optical sensor on the CP5000, which now reads 4 horizontal bars, printed by the printer on every punch.
Even the 4 lines on the left side of the card are specific to this machine. The CP3000, and the four top loading mechanical clocks that preceded it used a different patten of four lines. The older cards if you have any, are completely out of production, but occasionally found and sold online buy unknowing dealers - or charlatans. Your machine will not print properly if you get old or incorrect cards.
https://www.employeetimeclocks.com/productdetails.aspx?ProductID=108 One sided card.
https://www.employeetimeclocks.com/https://www.employeetimeclocks.com/productdetails.aspx?ProductID=101productdetails.aspx?ProductID=101 Two sided card.
On our website, it specifically shows this:
This is an actual time card, it's good for 26 punches.

You must also use the correct ribbon. There are no substitutions.
The two sided card allows you to use one side, then when it's full, or when you start a new pay period or pay week, you can use side two.
This is a link to the CP5000 time clock: