Additional Managers
Upgrade Managers Here

Select from the list below to add additional managers to your Time Guardian software

Our Price: $0.00

Accessories & Supplies:

DetailsIDProduct NameDescriptionPriceAdd To Cart
Click 674 5 ManagersTGN-USER005$225.00
Click 675 10 ManagersTGN-USER010$400.00
Click 676 25 ManagersTGN-USER-025$875.00


Time Guardian Managers

Each manager can have their own unique name and password
One manager has complete administrative control (usually the HR manager)

Time Guardian software is installed on multiple desks, limited to the number of manager seats.
If you have 10 managers, one would be the Administrator.
That person has access to all of the program. 
Full, or partial administrative rights can be assigned to all managers.

The Administrator can customize each managers authorities.
Access to the features, what rights they get.
Examples: Simply view or to change reports, add or delete punches,
change employee information, etc.

Department managers can see multiple departments, or only theirs.
They could run reports and make corrections, add/delete employees, etc. 
or just view and print reports, view and print time cards, make corrections,
or  not have the authority to make corrections.

Note:  Additional Managers increases technical support cost:
1-2 Managers:  $189.00 per year
5    Managers:   $249.00
10  Managers:   $315.00
25  Managers:   Call Us for quote