Farm Labor Law Clocks
  Amano Amano MJR7000 100 Employee Clock
Our Price: $1,275.00
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In-Stock! Made in USA. MOST RUGGED self-totaling clock ever made. Can also ring shop bells. Weekly and bi-weekly pay periods. We repair MJR clocks! Free Programing.
  Amano MJR8000 Amano MJR8000N 250 Employee Clock
Our Price: $1,675.00
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On Back Order as of 2/1/25. When you must have a self-totaling clock THAT WILL TAKE A BEATING, THIS IS IT. 250 employee capacity, in-punch lock-out, rounding, auto lunch deduction, Lifetime tech
  WiFi RFID BADGE CLOCK Amano TimeGuardian WiFi Proximity
Our Price: $459.00
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WiFI enabled. 100 expandable employee time system. Ethernet and portable USB drive. Built-in reports, prints time sheets, can control paid breaks. Badge, Fob, and PIN Entry.
Our Price: $479.00
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Computerized calculation time recorder, 100 employees, free hosted app included, 100 time cards, 10 card time card rack. We have bigger racks, more cards!

Farm Labor Law Clocks

Pay OT at 40, 60 hours/week, or no OT at all with our payroll clocks. Call us for information.

Self-totaling employee time clocks play a crucial role in helping small farms comply with current and proposed farm labor laws. These advanced time clock systems offer features and functionalities that simplify time tracking and ensure accurate payroll calculations, promoting compliance with labor regulations.

With self-totaling time clocks, small farms can automate the calculation of employee work hours, including regular hours, overtime, and breaks. The time clock accurately records and calculates the total hours worked, eliminating the need for manual calculations and reducing the risk of errors or inaccuracies in payroll.

By using self-totaling time clocks, small farms can easily generate detailed reports that provide a clear overview of employee work hours, wages, and other relevant data. These reports serve as important documentation for farm labor compliance, helping small farms demonstrate their adherence to labor laws during audits or inspections.

Furthermore, self-totaling time clocks often come equipped with features such as break deductions and meal period tracking, ensuring compliance with specific labor laws regarding rest breaks and meal times. The time clock system accurately accounts for break durations and deducts them from the total work hours, ensuring that employees receive the appropriate compensation and breaks as mandated by farm labor laws.

Implementing self-totaling employee time clocks not only simplifies time tracking and payroll management but also helps small farms stay in compliance with labor regulations. These time clocks provide transparency, accuracy, and efficiency in tracking and calculating employee work hours, promoting fair treatment, and avoiding potential labor law violations.