Pyramid 7000 scheduled workshift timer
Includes custom-made 110v-10amp protected power output

It will be black, and slightly different inside when it is delivered to you
Master clock and bell system overview:
Single Bell Circuit, run as many bells or buzzers as needed
--- Also works with Tone Generators and PA Systems
Set up to 300 events, each event (signal) can be shared on up to 7 days
--- It will easily accommodate a 3-shift operation
No need to reset, it keeps the time when the power is off
--- and restores to the correct time when it comes back on
Automatically adjusts for daylight savings - you can turn this off.
This is an old picture, now they are black. We've been selling (and installing) these machines since 1997.
Print this out, write up your own. Make a short one second ring for the warnings.
Pyramid 7000 and our network bell systems do this. The Lathem Sonachron does not.
- Pyramid 7000 masterclock terminal and easy-to-understand owners manual
- Power supply
- Internal 110V - 10Amp mechanical relay. Pre-wired and tested
- 10 Amp rated 110V grounded power cord
- Toll-Free Telephone Support
- One year product replacement guarantee
- 10' bell wire cable - add more as needed!
- Loud RED 110V fire bell, add more as needed
110VAC upgraded Pyramid 7000 scheduled timer can control:
1) Up to 200 digital Pyramid child clocks up to 300' from the timer
2) Up to eight 110VAC Bells, more with a power booster
3) Up to six 110V Loud Buzzers, more with a power booster
Momentary Contact (ring) button.
Synchronized digital wall clocks
Synchronized analog (dial face) clocks
Strobe light that flashes when the bell rings
- 6" high, 5.5" wide, 2" deep
- Requires two plugs (a duplex outlet)
- Initial output is 24VDC, modified to 110VAC with 10Amp DPDT Mechanical Relay
- Add bright, easy-to-read digital synchronized wall clocks throughout your facility
- The 7000 can control Pyramid digital and Pyramid analog (clock face) clocks
- We have over 800 of these systems installed (as of August, 2021)
- We are not copying web content to our website, we know this equipment inside and out
We have actual installation and on-site problem solving experience
In this business, we are unique, with hands-on experience, and that is why you should call us.

Information you will not find anywhere else...
Run unlimited bells and buzzers from this timer
Run up to 200 Pyramid Digital, or 8 analog (dial face) clocks, up to 300' out.
Pyramid digital clocks self-amplify the time signal and forward it to the next clock via the company's proprietary BCD cable.
Pyramid's 13" dial face "analog" clocks do not have this signal amplification feature. So, every 200' or 8 clocks - whichever comes first - you need to add/purchase a PTR5300 power supply. This amplifies the time signal and allows you to extend the range.
Work with people who obsess over the details - so you don't have to.