Technical Support
TGN Annual Software Support

One Year Factory Technical Support, telephone and web support for standard Amano Time Guardian. Upgrades/Modules ARE ADDITIONLAL. See Below.

Our Price: $189.00
TimeGuardian Annual Technical Support

Technical Support for Amano TimeGuardian software

This is for the BASIC two PC technical support, 2 user system.
If you have upgrades, then you need up upgrade your support:

Employee Upgrades do not increase Annual Support.
Upcharge for Additional Managers (5, 10, 25, Unlimited) 

Upcharge for Basic Modules  listed below:  $60 each
Advanced Overtime  -   Advanced Scheduling - Advanced Meal
Advanced Rounding  -  Advanced Labor/Rate - Advanced Control
Benefit Time             -  Advanced Pay Class    

Upcharge for Advanced Modules:  $110 each
Zone Differential - Web Interface - Event Notification