uAttend JR2000 Information
Touchscreen device connects via LAN or WiFI.
Employees Punch using the built-in biometric Fingerprint or RFID reader
Never miss a punch: The JR2000 captures punches while offline
Easy fingerprint registration broadcasts the fingerprint to all other clients JR devices!
Lifetime free USA/Canada product replacement, excluding gross neglect and vandalism
Smart Punching for faster employee punching with less mistakes
Only Register Fingerprints Once: automatically sends to other JR devices
Easy to navigate Large Touchscreen
Biiometric Fingerprint Reader
RFID Reader
PIN Punching Option
No-hassle Fingerprint Registration
WiFi and LAN accessable
Not portable, needs to be plugged in and mounted on the wall
* Mounting plate and hardware is included
The JR2000 is the lowest priced time recorder on the market that features a touchscreen, biometric reader, RFID Badge and Key Fob enabled, LAN and Wi-Fi ready.
Includes Store and Forward mode: Take it with you. The JR2000 captures punches even when offline, then sends them to the cloud as soon as a connection is established.
Activation: Click on this image to begin the signup process: 
Enter this Dealer ID number: DA7BG
Low cost per employee, fantastic technical support
Innovations and upgrades are automatically released at no charge
Web-hosted system, you always have the newest, best version at your fingertips-
Regardless of where you ARE!
Web-Punch is included. All your workers can punch in from their cell phones and/or home PC's