DetexTop Guard Plus Software

DETEX TopGuard Plus Software upgrade. Seriously enhanced Detex software for large facilities, unlimited guards, complex tours, and more.

Our Price: $995.00

Accessories & Supplies:

DetailsIDProduct NameDescriptionPriceAdd To Cart
Click 128 Detex 30mm Checkpoint TagGCS-PP-TAG30-U$4.95
Click 71 Detex Keyfob TagGCS-PP-KF-U$7.00
Click 75 Detex ProxiPen III TAG ReaderProxiPenIII - no software$598.00
Click 259 Detex TopGuard Incident BookGCS-PP-INCBK-2$125.00


Detex TopGuard Plus Software

TopGuard Plus comes in a licensed USB thumb drive
that seriously upgrades the software

Allows ability to custom configure the software
Generate many handy MS Access reports

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Easily sort reports by Event, by Guard, by Station, by Tour, and more

TopGuard Patrol                               TopGuard Patrol PLUS
Basic Reporting                                         More Complex Reporting
One Comprehensive Report                      8 Report Formats
Up to 16 user definable tours     
                Up to 250 tours
1,750 control points                                   7,500 control points
No Maps                                                    JPG and BMP, tour mapping
Multiple Password Protection                    Multiple Password Protection
English, Spanish Formats        
English, Spanish Formats

TopGuard Patrol PLUS -
for more comprehensive reporting requirements

TopGuard Patrol Plus includes additional features


  • Create images of maps of tours using imported JPG or BMP graphic images
  • Includes 8 different report formats
  • Allows up to 7500 RFID tags to be programmed as incidents, personnel, breaks or control points
  • Supports up to 350 programmed tours

Password Protection: 

  • Each time TopGuard Patrol is started, the password is requested
  • With unique passwords, you can log in as the administrator or a user
  • This prevents unauthorized access to master files and the records
  • The downloaded data is also protected by a CRC checksum to prevent tampering (data manipulation) - military security software protection

You can track the individual guards if you are using the TGPatrol PLUS software with the dongle, but not in the Basic version that comes with the kit.

In the PLUS version, you can assign tags to as many guards as you want, and on the “Tours” screen, you move those guard tags into the “Personnel” group.

Tracking the guards depends on them reading their own personnel tag (on the wall or wherever) before they start their shift or a tour. Assuming they do that, TGP PLUS will associate everything it sees in the download from that guard’s ProxiPen with him, and will continue to do so until he either downloads it or hands the ProxiPen to the next guard, who reads his personnel tag. 

In the “Reports” menu, you select “Personnel report” and a list of the guards appears on the right. You select the guard you want, set the start and end times for the report, and you’ll get a report of all of that guard’s activity during the relevant time frame.

That’s how it works.