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Self Totaling Time Clocks

We are proud to offer discount self totaling time clocks. We sell discount self-totaling time clocks. Budget time clocks and economy time clocks, it's what we do. 

Self-totaling time clocks are important for businesses and organizations with more than 5 employees. At that point, they become cost effective. There are many advantages to using a self-totaling electronic stand-alone time clock. Among them are the fact (it is a fact) as proven many times by the American Payroll Association that a self totaling time clock can save you the business owner a minimum of 3% of your payroll expense. Normally we see this to be closer to 5%. All mathematical errors are eliminated. The clock administers the rules fairly and consistently. Personal favors cannot be granted with a self-totaling time clock. The truth is always printed on the card. These are electronic time clocks using time clock software.  If an employee forgets to punch out for a lunch break, the clock will automatically dock them for it. If an employee forgets to punch out at the end of the day, the clock will not pay them overnight. In many instances, the clock can rejected an employee's time card from punching twice in the same minute. You can read the running total on the employee time card to see how many hours the employee has worked this pay period, and schedule them accordingly, thereby saving money on employee overtime expense.

It is common to find a person punching in 2 minutes late, out early for lunch by 3 minutes, back by 3 minutes late, and leave exactly on time to go home. Now consider just 10 people doing this. You have 8minutes x5 days x10 employees, or 400 minutes per week, overpaid. 6.67 hours x 9.00 per hour, you are overpaying $60 per week; an incredible $3,121 per year! Imagine what that could do to help YOUR personal pay. Now a self totaling time clock looks like a good deal, doesn't it. And these are very conservative figures.

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Self totalling time clocks have been around since 1981, when all at about the same time, self totaling employee time clocks were released by Acroprint, Amano, Simplex, and Stromberg. Acroprint developed the Acroprint CAT9000. This was an outstanding machine. It used an existing card stock known as IBM cards. It was a readily available and easy to produce time card. The CAT 9000 could control a variety of employee time shifts by categorizing the cards in to groups. Each group or series of cards would then be assigned to a shift or a department. As the machine could control up to 500 cards within a given pay period, the cards could be selected to follow certain time clock rules. Once the cards were inserted at the wrong time, the cards would be rejected. The Acroprint CAT9000 payroll time clock was eventually discontinued, as it did not sell well. Our experience with it was all-positive, the only difficult part was understanding the very complicated programming manual.

Electronic Time Clocks

Stromberg made the EPR100 and EPR220 self-totaling employee time clocks. These Stromberg self-totalling time clocks also used similar technology to the Acroprint CAT9000 employee time clock. They had optical readers and holes punched at the bottom of the employee time cards. Stromberg later developed and released the STR8000 clock, which is a third generation version of the Amano Microder a.k.a. Amano MJR7000 time recorder. Amano is now in to the 4th generation of the Microder, the MJR7000ee. The STR8000 and MJR7000, along with the MJR8000, MJR8150, MJR8000N and MJR8100 are all variations on the same theme, and are arguably the best self-totaling time clocks ever made. So if you want a rock-solid self-totaling time clock, find a Stromberg STR8000 or an Amano MJR clock built between 1998 and 2002.

Simplex developed a huge and expensive machine; it was painted red and light tan. Inside are found many solid-state circuit boards, an oddly shaped ribbon cartridge, and it uses bar coded paper timecards. Simplex no longer supports this machine and we no longer have parts for them. It is rare to see a Simplex Time Clock, and even more rare to see a Simplex self-totaling time clock in service. Simplex time cards are expensive when you buy them from Simplex itself, and cheap time cards are in stock here the best site on the web to purchase employee time clocks.

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Lathem makes the Omnichron II and Omnichron time recorders. The Omnichron time clocks have internal printers, and also have OMC2 software as an optional time clock software module. Lathem now sells a hybrid clock made by Seiko; it is the Lathem 7000e. The Lathem 7000e handles quarter hour rounding, 15 minute rounding, ¼ hour rounding, automatic lunch deduction, exceptions reports, and uses bar coded time cards. It is a popular machine at this time in 2005, but it is made mostly of plastic. It does have an Epson printer in the Seiko box. The Seiko machine is different than the Lathem 7000e, as the Latham 7000e has a superior self-totaling time clock program.

Payroll Time Clocks, time and attendance, electronic time clocks, payroll time clocks, employee time clock software.

Acroprint now offers a new self-totaling time clock, the Acroprint ES100. The ES100 or ES 100 has a capacity of 100 employees. It's a fantastic electronic time clock.  As a self totaling time recorder, the ES100 also prints in red when the employee is late. The Acroprint ES100 can also run bells by simply attaching a bell or horn to it. If you are in a production, factory, or other work environment, this can be a huge aid to employee efficiency.

The Amano MJR7000, Amano MJR8000, Amano MJR8000N, Amano MJR8150 and the Amano Microder self totaling time clocks are marvels of engineering.  These employee time clocks are are nearly indestructible electronic time clocks. They are fast, reliable, simple to set up, very easy to operate, and can survive in really rough conditions. They are also affordably priced. Parts are readily available for these machines around the world. If you buy a time clock from us, you can be assured we will have parts for these Amano MJR clocks in stock.

Isgus. Isgus is a German company. Isgus has been building payroll time clocks since 1881 in Europe. Isgus makes self totaling time clocks that are now available in USA. Isgus produces electronic time clocks.  The Isgus 2030 and Isgus 2040 are excellent time clocks. They can be used for Job Costing. While they are being used for job costing or job costing, there is plenty of capacity to use the ISGUS clocks as a self totaling employee time clock. The ISGUS 2040 can also run bells and serve as a master clock. The Isgus 2030 can also run bells. There is an available bell module and also an internal operational battery back up that you can purchase for the isgus clocks. Isgus and Zeus are from the same company. Also, the Isgus Compac II software is a basic employee time and attendance system, made by ISGUS. Isgus uses bar coded time cards. There is no chance of getting duplicate cards with the Isgus system. Isgus is a very reliable machine with a (installed NTEA dealer in USA, Canada, and Alaska) network to provide you with local time clock technical support. Master clocks are just a one part of the time clock systems.

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